A dog costume rises from the recycling bin

After the last few years of insufficient costuming stoke, I was suddenly consumed by the Halloween Spirit after serendipitously finding a cardboard box exactly the length of Mica in the house recycling bin with 2 hours to go until sunset!

This was a project heavy in scissors and packaging tape. I covered the cardboard with cardstock to achieve the shiny white van chassis, and coloured accents with permanent marker. Lots of tape was used to hold the front hood and windshield curve in place. To secure the dingo, I masking-taped a bandana to the inside top of the cardboard and tied it around her torso.

The van’s infamous XL solar panels are modeled by a black packaging box I found in the recycling. The roof vent opens, just like real life :D

The bike racks I made by rolling up an inside-out bank statement envelope (also from the recycing!)
At first when I put her in the van, Mica got really stiff and didn’t want to walk. She was only convinced once I put on her harness and leash (usually an indication of good things, only partially a trick this time).
Then we were off to the town Halloween block party!

The party neighborhood was closed to cars, with tons of kids enjoying the trafficless haven. Mica is weary of kids, so she stuck really close to me, running the van repeatedly into my leg without proprioception of her new vastness. bonk. bonk. Van dog was a big hit with the adults and (to her dismay) also the kids. As her Halloween haul, Mica managed to score a chicken dog treat.

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